Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!

Happy 4th of July!! Today I took the boys to the parade down town. They enjoyed it very much. The enjoyed looking for friends in the parade. They saw Connors friend Tyler, his mom Jessi, and sister Hailey. They saw my friend Carie, and her daughters Haley, Hanah, and Hadyn. They saw our neighbor Clayton and his son Trent. They got a bag full of candy, a popcicle, a reusable shopping bag. Afterwards, we went to Riverfront Rendevioux where we ate lunch and played bingo. Connor especially enjoyed bingo. He played 10 games!! Unfortunatley he didn't win, but still had fun none the less. After we left the riverfront, we went home to pick Adam up. We went to Adams cousin Matt's house. There were a lot of family members there, it was nice. It rained and rained and rained. That didn't stop the kids from playing though. They were soaked and wet, but had a great time. They played and played with Matt and Kari's dog Blue. Blue proably slept well too. After we left Matt and Kari's, we came home. Connor and I played a couple of games of Family Fued on facebook. Now Connor is snuggled up to me snoozing. He's so adorable! All in all, it was a great 4th of July. The best part is, Brandon is supposed to come home tomorrow!!! I miss that boy like crazy!!


  1. YAAAAAAYYYY!!!! Happy blogging!!!!

  2. I will enjoy it, but you will have to show me how to put pictures on here!!
